Please see the below details from Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Beam, outlining training sessions that they are offering over July and August.

All sessions take place on Microsoft Teams, and are open to parents, carers and professionals who are interested in attending.

There is no need to book – just click into the link at the session time.

Mental Health & Emotional well-being in children & young people. We will cover:

· Effective communication.

· Empathy & Sympathy.

· Overview of common emotional well-being topics such as anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicidal ideation and anger.

Wednesday 7th July 2021


12pm – 1.30pm

Join on your computer or mobile app


Sleepy Heads.


2 session workshop around sleep & common issues.


It is advisable to attend both sessions.

Session 1:

· Sleep stages.

· Sleep hygiene.

· Bedtime routines.

Wednesday 21st July 2021



Join on your computer or mobile app


Session 2:

· Tackling common issues around sleep including:

· Prolonged night-time awakenings.

· Bedtime refusal & resistance.

· Teen sleep.

Wednesday 4th August 2021



Join on your computer or mobile app


Managing anxious behaviours in young people. We will cover:

· What anxiety is.

· Science of anxiety.

· How to support.

Wednesday 18th August 2021


12pm – 1.30pm

Join on your computer or mobile app



Beam continues to provide emotional wellbeing support to young people in Shropshire Telford & Wrekin.

Support should be requested via their : users should scroll down to ‘register with us’ and complete the form that follows. Please note – the ‘register with us’ link should also be used to request follow-up sessions. Requests for service will be processed by their admin team and then appointments sent out by email.

Beam provide support by phone, virtual sessions via Microsoft Teams and limited face to face sessions from their Wellington venue. They are strictly appointment-only and cannot accept any walk-ins. Once a request for service is received via the website, Beam will arrange a phone appointment for their initial contact, in which their practitioners will discuss the format of future sessions.

Should you have any queries please do get in touch with Beam via [email protected].