In November, the «Ƶ announced the had formally joined the Trust with Colin Hopkins, Director of Education, as their representative on the Members’ Board. The «Ƶ is now pleased to announce that Colin has been awarded an MBE in the New Year Honours list.

Colin was awarded the honour in recognition for his services to education as a school governor and chair of trustees of the Church of England Central Education Trust (CECET).

Colin commented, “This honour has come as a complete surprise and I have accepted it in recognition of all the great work that our heads, teachers, support staff and governors do in our 207 schools”. He continued, “I am delighted that this award places the Diocese of Lichfield on the map as a major contributor to the structural reform of the education system”.

Sarah Longville, CEO of The «Ƶ, said, “We are so proud to have Colin Hopkins on our Member’s Board. Being awarded an MBE is testament to his hard work and passion for education and we are lucky to have him involved in our trust. Congratulations Colin!”